While at the Newseum there were many things that reminded me of our Online Journalism class. There were six floors, all filled with information from news of all types and times. I started off on the first floor, where there was a giant piece of the Berlin Wall. It was fascinating to see the west […]
I was born in 1990, so I find this article on the 90s very humorous.
Occupy D.C. Event
This is a video I made for my Broadcast Journalism class for the Occupy event in Washington D.C.
This is so true.
Super Bowl Ads 2012
Each year I look forward to the new Super Bowl advertisements on TV. In fact, they are probably my favorite part about the day (other than the feast of wonderful foods). Hulu has compiled all of the best advertisements of the game into one convenient section. They even have funny ads from years past documented […]
An Aspiring Producer from the University of Pennslyvania
This is just a fun little story I found about a student trying to find love and begin his career of filmmaking 🙂 Read Luke Kelly’s story here!