Life According to Krista

Feb 13

Jim Romenesko posted a list of frequently asked questions for Gannett about what journalists can do with their iPhones to further their careers.

This is a very interesting topic because of the dynamic, ever-changing technologies of distributing news. Journalists must keep up with the most current and upcoming trends so that they do not get behind in the game.

iPhones are preferred devices for journalists, as they typically have the most up-to-date technologies and the most apps. The iPhone 4S also has a great quality camera for photographers to use in news events, which is a very important aspect of reporting.

“The iPhone 4S is meant to enable you to do better, more timely journalism.”

By being able to take pictures with a portable phone, a journalist can easily keep their readers updated on current events as they are happening.

“And the phones can run specialized apps that do nearly anything – help you capture and annotate public records, transcribe interviews, map your way to a scene, listen into a police scanner, find nearby sources who are broadcasting their locations, tap into social media channels, do reverse lookups on phone numbers, perform background checks, etc… You’ll find all sorts of ways to power your journalism using this device, and we encourage you to boldly experiment.”

Overall, it seems the iPhone does it all. Having the iPhone 4S is like having a personal assistant, and serious journalists really need to invest in this smartphone to help enhance their social media, networking and ability to gather news.

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